Социјално-психолошке консултације
Социјално-психолошке консултације
Degree level: Магистратура
Field of training: 44.04.02 Psychological and Pedagogical Education
Qualification: Master
Duration: 2 years
Credits: 120
Mode of attendance: Full-time
Delivered by: Faculty of Social Psychology, Department of Social Psychology of Development
person-icon Natalia Tolstykh
position-icon Doctor of Psychological Sciences Chair of Department of Social Psychology of Development, Professor, Chief Editor of the “Social Psychology and Society” Journal
person-icon Natalia Shishlova
position-icon Study & Methodology Specialist


The master’s program trains practical psychologists-consultants, developers and leaders of psychological training in organizations of various types, primarily in the social sphere. The content of the program is practice-oriented. At the same time, psychological training is considered in a broad sense as the basic format of active socio-psychological training. Psychological counseling in the social sphere is considered as work with situations of organizational and group development. Particular attention is paid to the formation of a flexible approach to solving problematic problems, adaptation to new non-standard situations. At the same time, the program is aimed at forming a competent specialist with both a high level of professionalism and a clear civic position. Masters are trained in the following areas:
  • prevention and psychological correction of negative social manifestations in the behavior of social groups and individuals (asocial and conflict behavior, social orphanhood, etc.);
  • psychological assistance to representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population (outcasts, migrants, refugees) and persons in difficult life situations (including maladjusted persons and deviants; persons with various types of addiction who have made suicidal attempts; sick, lonely and elderly, orphans , persons with disabilities, persons who have received post-traumatic stress disorders, are under investigation or in institutions of the penitentiary system).


By the end of the program you will be able to:
  • provide psychological assistance to social groups and individuals who find themselves in a difficult life situation through psychological training;
  • plan and conduct applied scientific research in the social sphere and education;
  • develop and implement programs to improve psychological security and prevent psychological distress for various categories of the population and develop scientific and methodological support for their implementation;
  • consult the population on the problems of psychological health in the social sphere;
  • conduct counseling, organize psychological support and psychological assistance to families from socially vulnerable segments of the population;
  • consult families of clients on psychological problems in order to level the influence of an unfavorable environment, help in socialization and adaptation to living conditions;
  • conduct group counseling (training) with clients who find themselves in a difficult life situation;
  • design organizational and methodological support for programs and activities for the development and socialization of students;
  • implement programs and measures to prevent social and psychological and pedagogical risks in the development of students;
  • educate the subjects of educational relations, interdepartmental teams and vulnerable groups of the population.


Graduates of the master’s program can carry out professional activities in organizations of various types, including preschool, general education, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions; scientific, industrial and commercial organizations; psychological support and rehabilitation services, family counseling, etc.


  • Module 1. Research and forecasting in education.
  • Module 2. Management in education.
  • Module 3. Design and examination of the effectiveness of programs in education and the social sphere.
  • Module 4. Socio-psychological training.
  • Module 5. Social counseling.
  • Module 6. Family counseling.