Психологија и педагогија образовања у млађем школском узрасту (учитељ
Психологија и педагогија образовања у млађем школском узрасту (учитељ
Degree level: Основне студије
Field of training: 44.03.02 Psychological and Pedagogical Education
Qualification: Educational Psychologist
Duration: 4 years
Credits: 240
Mode of attendance: Full-time
Delivered by: Faculty of Psychology of Education, Department of Pedagogical Psychology named after Professor V.A.Guruzhapov
person-icon Svetlana Sanina
position-icon Docent, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


The program is aimed at mastering modern methods of teaching, upbringing, and development of younger schoolchildren. The training combines both traditional (lectures, seminars, workshops) and modern innovative methods of preparation (working with an electronic simulator of lessons, educational and problem games, trainings, creative design workshops). Enhanced psychological, pedagogical, and methodological training in the field of primary general education is provided.


Graduates successfully continue their studies in the master’s degree in all programs of the psychological and pedagogical direction.


By the end of the program, you will be able to successfully perform practical work in schools, medical, psychological and pedagogical centers and research organizations of pedagogical and psychological profile working with children of primary school age.


  • Module 1. Humanitarian, social and economic fundamentals of professional activity.
  • Module 2. Natural science and mathematical fundamentals of professional activity.
  • Module 3. Intercultural communication in professional activity.
  • Module 4. Health culture and life safety.
  • Module 5. Introduction to psychological and pedagogical activity.
  • Module 6. Scientific fundamentals of psychological and pedagogical activity.
  • Module 7. Methods of organizing the educational activities of students.
  • Module 8. Legal fundamentals of professional activity.
  • Module 9. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in education.
  • Module 10. Psychological prevention as work of an educational psychologist.
  • Module 11. Correctional and developmental work of an educational psychologist.
  • Module 12. Psychological and pedagogical support of basic educational programs.
  • Module 13. Psychological counseling in the work of an educational psychologist.
  • Module 14. The work of an educational psychologist on the formation of educational activities.
  • Module 15. Project activity of educational psychologist.
  • Module 16. Educational psychologist’s work with parents.
  • Module 17. Educational work of educational psychologist.
  • Module 18. Development of professional and life self-determination of students.
  • Module 19. Reflexive: psychological and pedagogical research in the activity of an educational psychologist.