Психолошка-педагошка мерења
Психолошка-педагошка мерења
Degree level: Магистратура
Field of training: 09.04.03 Applied Informatics
Qualification: Master
Duration: 2 years
Credits: 120
Mode of attendance: Full-time
Delivered by: Faculty of Information Technologies, Department of Applied Informatics and Multimedia Technologies


The program is aimed at training specialists of psychological and pedagogical dimensions who have high level skills in applied informatics, various computer disciplines and experimental psychology. Thus the program presents a new generation of specialists in applied informatics, familiar with modern methods and practice of psychological and pedagogical measurements, able to create testing tools that meet international standards, confidently proficient in modern methods of mathematical modeling and data analysis, technologies for the development and use of application software, and also by methods of experimental psychology.


By the end of the program you will be able to:
  • develop, implement and adapt modern tools for computer testing;
  • use the latest technologies for creating tests and processing results;
  • use specialized software;
  • use methods of mathematical modeling and statistical analysis.


After graduation students can work as researchers in IT areas, where they develop effective methods for the implementation of information processes and the construction of information systems in applied areas.

The places to work are educational institutions, scientific and research organizations and laboratories that are specialized in:
  • features of the information, information processes and information society;
  • research and development of effective methods for implementing information processes and systems in applied areas based on the use of modern ICT;
  • system analysis and reengineering of applied and information processes, formulation and solution of applied tasks;
  • IP development and implementation;
  • projects for automation and informatization of applied processes and creation of IP in applied areas;
  • management of informatization projects of enterprises and organizations, decision-making on the implementation of these projects, organization and management of implementation IP projects in the applied field;
  • quality management of work results related to IP;
  • organization and management of IP operation


7 basic modules, among the topics of those: software use, development and adaptation of tools for psychological and pedagogical measurements, intercultural communication in professional interaction, theory and methodology of measurements in psychology and education, mathematical theory of systems, fundamentals of experimental psychometry, innovative approaches and methods of psychological research, computer psychodiagnostics, etc.