Педагогија и психологија васпитања
Педагогија и психологија васпитања
Degree level: Магистратура
Field of training: 44.04.02 Psychological and Pedagogical Education
Qualification: Master
Duration: 2 years
Credits: 120
Mode of attendance: Full-time
Delivered by: Faculty of Psychology of Education, Department of Pedagogical Psychology named after Professor V.A. Guruzhapov
person-icon Evgeniy Isaev
position-icon Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences


The program is focused on preparing masters for research and project activities in the education system. Students are given the opportunity to obtain a diploma from a European university (on the basis of the First University of Rome La Sapienza). The management of the master’s thesis can be carried out by professors from both universities. The training program includes lectures by foreign scientists. The training combines both traditional (lectures, seminars, workshops) and modern innovative methods of training (educational design, trainings, creative design workshops). Great importance is given to research work in the field of pedagogical psychology and experimental pedagogy.


Skills and abilities of research and project activities in the education system, including adult education, as well as skills related to practical management work and international cooperation in the field of psychology and pedagogy of secondary and higher education.


You can work in educational institutions of various levels; methodological and research centers, institutes dealing with problems of general education; psychological services of various departments; state and charitable organizations that help various categories of the population.


  • Module 1. Research and forecasting in education.
  • Module 2. Management in education.
  • Module 3. Design and expertise of the effectiveness of programs in education and social sphere.
  • Module 4. Psychological and pedagogical fundamentals of professional activity in education.
  • Module 5. Individualization of training, education and development of students.
  • Module 6. Psychological and pedagogical correction and counseling in education.