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On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of cultural and historical psychology, the MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION has published an anniversary edition of the scientific journal
6 September 2024

The anniversary issue of the international scientific journal "Cultural and Historical Psychology" (No. 3, 2024) has been published. Thematic accents of the issue are the comprehension of the century-long path taken by the scientific school and the prospects that open up today.

The section "Theory and Methodology" provides a brief outline of the emergence and development of the cultural and historical theory of higher psychological functions over the century since its birth (article by V. V. Rubtsov, V. K. Zaretsky and A.D. Maidansky), offers a new, original reading of the early works of L. S. Vygotsky (N. N. Nechaev) analysis of the structure of self-regulation of activity and its possible violations (D. A. Leontiev).

The section "Basic concepts" offers the reader new research on the key concepts of cultural and historical psychology: mixing (A.D. Maydansky), zone of proximal development (V. K. Zaretsky), sign and sign mediation (A.V. Konokotin).

The authors of the section" About the founders and followers " seek to highlight little-known, but no less valuable pages of history-starting with the Petrograd reports of L. S. Vygotsky, who opened the doors to big science for him (L. Mecacci). In many ways, the development of cultural and historical principles in the field of psychotechnics (E. E. Sokolova) and special pedagogy (D. V. Lubovsky) is interpreted in a new way.

In the final section of this issue, an archived transcript of Vygotsky's speech at the 1931 "reactological" discussion is published for the first time (with a scientific commentary). We find in it elements of a scientific autobiography and an assessment of the path in science taken by L. S. Vygotsky in the first years of his work at the Institute of Experimental Psychology. Including a unique story about how his personal attitude to K. N. Kornilov's reactology changed.

The full issue of the journal is freely available on the portal of psychological publications PsyJournals.ru.