Факултет правне психологије
Legal psychology studies the behavior of people who have encountered the law enforcement system in various
Legal psychologists conduct psychological examinations of the accused, investigate the psychology of witness
testimony, develop rational methods of interaction with victims. They do everything necessary so that lawyers can
understand the subtleties of human behavior.
In addition, experts in the field of correctional psychology help employees of prisons, colonies and other
institutions cope with the psychological stresses that are inevitable in working with convicts.
Unique features
- Unique for Russia master's program "Legal Psychology: Forensic Practice";
- Working with the Mind Reader (technology of computer psychosemantic analysis) and a polygraph;
- Practical training at the institutions related to the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Russia, etc.
- Department of Legal and Forensic Psychology, and Law;
- Department of Clinical and Forensic Psychology;
- Department of Mediation in the Social Sphere;
- Laboratory of educational training.
- Правна психологија (b)
- Патопсихолошка процена и психотерапија (у експертној делатности) (s)
- Правна психологија и детињство: експертиза, подршка и превенција (m)
- Правна психологија: судско-експертна пракса (m)
- Прогнозе на основу постојећих података и процена програма у области управљања социјалним ризицима у сфери бриге о деци (m)
- Принцип активног учествовања две стране у решавању конфликта и технологија медијације у систему образовања и превенције социјалних ризика (m)
- Педагогија и психологија девијантног понашања (s)
- Правна психологија и психологија безбедности (d)
Dean's Office and Departments Representatives
127051, Moscow, Sretenka str., 29, room 306, +7 (495) 632-99-97 Laboratory of Educational Training
123290, Moscow, Shelepikhinskaya naberezhnaya, 2А, b. 3, room 305, +7 (499) 256-60-55 Dean's Office
123290, Moscow, Shelepikhinskaya naberezhnaya, 2А, b. 3, +7 (499) 259-01-94 Emailschool_jp@mail.ru
127051, Moscow, Sretenka str., 29, room 306, +7 (495) 632-99-97 Laboratory of Educational Training
123290, Moscow, Shelepikhinskaya naberezhnaya, 2А, b. 3, room 305, +7 (499) 256-60-55 Dean's Office
123290, Moscow, Shelepikhinskaya naberezhnaya, 2А, b. 3, +7 (499) 259-01-94 Emailschool_jp@mail.ru