Public lecture "The use of isotherapy technology in overcoming nega...
Public lecture "The use of isotherapy technology in overcoming negative emotional states in extreme situations"
23 December 2024

On December 23, at 12:00, we invite you to a public lecture "Using isotherapy technology in overcoming negative emotional states in extreme situations."

The lecture is aimed at discussing the problem of the influence of modern physiotherapy technologies on the mental state of people associated with exposure to extreme factors, and the search for the most effective means of psychological prevention and correction. Due to the global challenges of our time, increased levels of anxiety and stress among the population, as well as the emergence of mental health risks, modern psychological science and practice is looking for new and improving existing means of prevention and psychocorrection of negative emotional states. A large amount of information overloads the psyche, contributes to the development of negative emotional states.


Dmitry V. Deulin, Dean of the Faculty of Extreme Psychology at MGPPU, Associate Professor of the Department of Scientific Foundations of Extreme Psychology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences

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