"European Depression Day 2024": Dean A.B. Kholmogorova Presented at...
"European Depression Day 2024": Dean A.B. Kholmogorova Presented at the Conference
25 November 2024

From November 1st-3rd, 2024, the Samara State Medical University hosted the international scientific-practical conference "European Depression Day 2024" with the theme "Depression: The Young Generation with Troubled Moods." The event was organized by the European Depression Association, Samara State Medical University, and the National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology.

During the plenary session, the Dean of the Faculty of "Consultative and Clinical Psychology," Doctor of Psychological Sciences Alla Borisovna Kholmogorova, presented a report titled "Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents and Young People: Risk and Protective Factors."

Her presentation discussed cultural, familial, personal, and interpersonal risk factors for suicidal behavior among adolescents and university students from the perspective of a multifactorial psychosocial model of affective disorders. Emphasis was placed on suicide prevention strategies in educational settings using cultural-historical psychology and a reflexive-activity approach.