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Social communication is not only an attribute of life, but also a profession. Communication is not only a way of interacting, but also a professional skill. The Faculty of Social Communication was established in 2010 with the aim of training highly professional modern specialists who are able to effectively carry out social protection and service activities for different categories of the population in various spheres of life using fundamental theoretical knowledge and innovative technologies.

The teaching staff includes professionals with extensive experience in the fields of history, pedagogy and psychology. The faculty employs not only scientific staff, but also practitioners who actively involve students in professional activities in organizations that may later become their places of work.

The specifics are to prepare graduates to solve professional problems:
  • participation in the development of strategies and specific programs for the implementation of social policy at various levels of the executive power;
  • organization and management of social organizations;
  • development of design-analytical and expert-consulting activities in the field of structural and complex-oriented social work;
  • development and implementation of socially-oriented projects, the introduction of innovative technologies to solve pressing problems of various social groups;
  • using the resources of the state, business, and public organizations to solve problems of social well-being based on the principles and technologies of modern social partnership.
  • Department of Social Communication and Organization of work with Youth
Coming soon!