Degree level: 学士
Field of training: 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education
Qualification: Bachelor
Duration: 4 years
Credits: 240
Mode of attendance: Full-time
Delivered by: Department of Educational Psychology, Chair of Pedagogical Psychology named after Professor V.A. Guruzhapov
person-icon Anna Lobanova
position-icon Associate Professor of the Chair of Pedagogical Psychology named after Professor V.A. Guruzhapov, PhD (Psychology)


The program is based on the achievements of modern Russian and foreign psychology and pedagogy, as well as the processes of modernization of education in the Russian Federation. The educational program is modular, each module is aimed at achieving specific educational results – the formation of competencies that allow you to successfully perform certain work functions and professional actions.

The structure of the Module includes sections of theoretical disciplines, practice, research, course design, critical introspection and self-assessment (reflection) of activities and Module results. A significant part of the classes are conducted using interactive technologies, continuous professional practice is conducted in kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, psychological, medical and social centers.


Through the completion of the progam you will be able to sucessfully fulfill the practical work in the shpere of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general, secondary general education, profesional training, additional education in the sphere of social service and social welfare, to work under the condition of change in the system of education, the development of digital education and implementation of innovations.


You can work as an educational psychologist (psychologist in education), psychologist consultant, psychologist in the social sphere of the educational institutions of different levels, psychological services of different sections, medical, psychological and pedagogical centers, psychological consultancies, state institutions and charities providing aid to different categories of population.


  • Module 1. Humanitarian, social and economic foundations of professional activity.
  • Module 2. Natural science and mathematical foundations of professional activity.
    • Module 3.1. Intercultural communication in professional activity.
    • Module 3.2. Special foreign language.
    • Module 3.3. Profile-oriented foreign language.
    • Module 3.4. Academic foreign language.
  • Module 4. Health culture and life safety.
  • Module 5. Introduction to psychological and pedagogical activity.
  • Module 6. Scientific foundations of psychological and pedagogical activity.
    • Module 6.1. Scientific foundations of psychological and pedagogical activity.
    • Module 6.2. Scientific foundations of psychological and pedagogical activity.
  • Module 7. Theoretical foundations of consultative activity in education.
  • Module 8. The normative foundations of professional activity.
  • Module 9. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in education.
  • Module 10. Psychoprophylactic work of a teacher-psychologist.
  • Module 11. Correctional and developmental work of a teacher-psychologist.
  • Module 12. Psychological and pedagogical support of basic educational programs.
  • Module 13. Fundamentals of age-related psychological counseling.
  • Module 14. Counseling on learning difficulties.
  • Module 15. Advising on the creation of a favorable educational environment.
  • Module 16. The basics of family counseling.
  • Module 17. Counseling on the psychological well-being of adolescents.
  • Module 18. Advising on the issues of professional and life self-determination of students / Advising on students' readiness for professional choice (optional).
  • Module 19. Reflexive: professional development consulting.