Psychological Aid to Population in the Social Sphere Using Remote Technologies
Psychological Aid to Population in the Social Sphere Using Remote Technologies
Degree level: Master's degree
Field of training: 37.04.01 Psychology
Qualification: Master
Duration: 2 years
Credits: 120
Mode of attendance: Full-time
Delivered by: Faculty of Distance Learning, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Distance Learning
person-icon Maria Odintsova
position-icon Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Chair of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Distance Learning, Professor
person-icon Maria Kulyatskaya
position-icon Department Teacher


A unique educational practice-oriented program of a new type, aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of practical psychology. When implementing the master’s program, e-learning and distance learning technologies are used, which expands the boundaries for studying under this program for students from near and far abroad, as well as for students with disabilities. Students use electronic textbooks and video lectures, the program includes online workshops, online conferences, etc.


By the end of the program you will be able to:
  • provide professional psychological help to people in difficult life situations;
  • develop programs of psychological support for people of different ages and social status;
  • develop individual programs for clients, taking into account specific professional tasks;
  • develop programs of psychological support for groups;
  • widely use modern information technologies for solving practical problems.


You can work in organizations and institutions providing social assistance to the population (integrated social assistance centers, psychological help centers, etc.); educational institutions, medical institutions (rehabilitation centers, etc.); public organizations, foundations, commercial structures, various structures and formations providing psychological help, including using modern remote technologies (Internet counseling, helpline, etc.).

Possible positions: psychologist in educational organizations, in rehabilitation and counseling centers, consulting psychologist, including online consulting psychologist, consulting psychologist on the helpline.


  • Module 1. Theoretical studies.
  • Module 2. Research activities and methods of psychological and pedagogical research.
  • Module 3. Professional interaction.