The Faculty of Information Technology trains unique professionals who possess modern methods and practices of
experimental and cognitive psychology. These methods allow to create fundamentally new testing systems that do not
take much time, change the complexity of tasks right during the tests and track any interference.
Unique features:
- Profession that combines humanities and technical sciences
- Scientific research and software development under contracts with Boeing Corporation, the State Research Institute of Aviation Systems, the Systematics Group of Companies, the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc.
- Publication of the "Modeling and Data Analysis" Journal
- Department of Applied Informatics and Multimedia Technologies
- Department of Applied Mathematics
- Information Technology Center
- 2 laboratories of educational training
- 心理学家的应用信息学 (b)
- 信息系统和数据库 (b)
- 多媒体总监 (s)
- 心理和教学测量 (m)
- 系统分析、管理和信息处理(d)
Address: Moscow, Open shosse, 24, building 27, room 219 (Dean), 317, 319 (Dean's Office)
Work hours: Mon.-Fri., 10:00-18:00
+7 (499) 167-48-88 (Dean)
+7 (499) 167-66-74 (dean's office) E-mail:
+7 (499) 167-48-88 (Dean)
+7 (499) 167-66-74 (dean's office) E-mail: